This one is called "Row80" or A Round of Words in 80 Days. There are four cycles a year, and you can join anytime. They're currently in the second round. Since I was distracted with A to Z and Camp NaNo last month, I didn't get around to officially joining until now.
Row80 is about making sustainable goals. Being in it for the long run, the marathon instead of the sprint. This is great for the goal-oriented writer, one who struggles to get motivated and stay motivated. Personally, I don't have a problem with staying motivated or not writing, but I do like to make goals and meet them. There is something immensely satisfying about knowing how many words you wrote last month, or how many pages you edited...
So my goal for this month is less quantitative than I hope others will be.
I have two works in progress that I'm trying to edit, and so I'll break down my goals accordingly:
a) Storyboard, or outline, my novel and figure out what large picture items need to be edited
b) After I finish goal a, I will edit an average of 1000 words a day on this WIP
WIP #2=StM
c) Storyboard StM and get the main points of this novel figured out for draft two
d) Write 750 words a day in my freewriting journal
I think these are lofty goals for my first Row 80, so I'll be grateful to get that far.
Here's to a new writing challenge!
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